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Learning action tips:Revise the contents learned to practice students' listening.

Teacher:Now, please listen to me carefully and answer my questions.I went to Qingdao last vacation.I went there with my was my first time to go there,so everything was really I bought something for my friends,but I didn’t buy anything for myself.

Task 1

Learning action tips:

1.Preview the words on Page3 in the word list. Students read the words by phonetic symbols, then underline new words in the text and mark the Chinese meaning.

2.Students read and translate the sentences in Grammar Focus on Page3.

  【Method coach】

▲The only problem was that there was nothing much to do in the evening but read.唯一的问题是晚上除了看书没有什么事可做。

此句中that there was…是表语从句。

There be do意为“有……要做”。

but read意为“除了读书”。

nothing意为“没有任何东西”,是否定词。相当于not…anything。情景导入 生成问题

1.T:Where did I go last vacation?


2.T:Did I go there with anyone?


3.T:Did I buy anything for myself?


自学互研 生成能力

Task 1 Let's read the new words and the phrases.

1.I can read.(我会读)

something,nothing,everyone,of course,myself,yourself,hen,pig,seem,bored,diary

2.I can write.(我会写)


(1)当然 of__course

(2)在乡下 in__the__countryside

(3)记日记 keep__a__diary

(4)买东西给某人 buy__sth.__for__sb./buy__sb.__sth.

(5)没有人在这儿。 No__one__was__here.

(6)大家都去度假了。 Everyone__was__on__vacation.

(7)我给我爸爸买了些东西。 I__bought__something__for__my__father.

(8)每样东西尝起来都很好。 Everything__tasted__really__good.



3.I can use.(我会用)

(1)buy .=buy sb.为某人买某物

(2)quite a few+可数名词的'复数

(3)①seem to do sth./be


③It seems that…似乎/好像……,有时可与seem to do sth.相互转换。

(1)Mom bought Lucy a storybook.(同义句)

Mom bought a storybook for__Lucy.

(2)There are quite__a__few__cars (相当多的汽车)in the street.

(3)He seems tired__/__to__be__tired(累;疲倦).

Task 2 Make conversations and make a survey according to 3c.

1.I can practice.(我会练)

A:Did you do (1)anything__fun on your vacation,Alice?

B:Yes,I did.I went to (2)Sanya(三亚).

A:How do you like it?

B:Well,it is my (3)first__time(第一次)there,so everything was really(4)interesting.

A:Did you (5)buy anything (6)for yourself(为你自己买了东西)?

B:(7)Nothing,but I bought (8)something for my parents.

2.I can try.(我会试)

Finish the task 3a and 3b on Page 3.


Jack is new here,so we don’t know anything about him.(改为同义句)

Jack is new here,so we know __nothing__ about him.

Task 2

Learning action tips:

1.Finish the task in 3a. Students read the dialogue in 3a and imitate them, have a dialogue practice with“—Did you do anything interesting on your vacation? —Yes, I went to…”.

2.Students finish the email in 3b with compound indefinite pronoun. And check the answer.

3.Students finish the survey form in 3c according to their own actual situation;discuss in groups and make the dialogue;ask 23 pairs to have a test in class.

  【Method coach】









enjoy oneself玩得开心

teach oneself自学

for oneself为自己


3.I can make conversations.(我会编对话)




4.I can summarize.(我会总结)



(1)Don’t worry. We’re old enough to look after ourselves.(做介词的宾语)

(2)The young man learned himself kungfu.(做动词的宾语)

(3)Miss Yang herself is not here.(做同位语)

(4)The mother elephant itself looked for the baby elephant.(做同位语)

交流展示 生成新知

Preshow:Show in groups. (Time: six minutes)

Task 1:First read the words and phrases in groups,then read together and sum up the usage of the words in groups,mark the difficult words in pronunciation and understanding(students can ask teacher for help).At last,write them on the blackboard.

Task 2:First discuss and check the answers of Task 2 in groups,use the phrases we learnt to talk something about the holidays and make a survey about the holiday activities. At last,write them on the blackboard.

Promotion show: Class show. (Time:sixteen minutes)

Task 1: 1.I can read.(1)Read together,pay attention to the pronunciation of “bored”;(2)Consolidate the words by word games.

2.I can write.(1)Translate the phrases into English or Chinese by answering quickly;(2)Read together;(3)Spot test:consolidate the usage of the phrases by making sentences.

3.I can use. (1)Explain the usage of the key words with the phrases in“ I can write”;(2) Spot test:consolidate the usage of the words or phrases with the exercises,then check the answers by answering quickly and explain.

Task 2:1.I can practice.(1)Choose some students to translate the key sentences in Task 2;(2)Read together.

2.I can try.(1)Finish 3a ,3b according to the task;(2)Explain the answers and sum up the methods;(3)Use the material in the textbook to talk and show in groups according to students', actual situation.

3.I can make conversations.(1)Make dialogues according to the task;(2)Set scenes to perform the dialogues;(3)Question students randomly according to the dialogues.

4.I can summarize.(1)Sum up the usage of reflexive pronouns,show them on the blackboard and read together;(2)Finish the exercises and focus on explaining the usage of reflexive pronouns.

当堂演练 达成目标


1.Everyone was very happy there.

2.There was nothing but silence in the room.

3.—Did you see anyone interesting?—Of course.

4.My aunt fed many baby pigs on her farm last year.

5.Hens can lay eggs(下蛋).






